Dear Health Care System: a Wish From Someone With Mental Health Obstacles
Hey there friend, To start I want to say that I feel extremely blessed to live where I do. I have a wonderful health care system that...

Being Unemployed Because of Your Mental Health and How I've Been Tackling That
Hi Friends, Is it vulnerability month or something?! Because here we go again with another thing that makes me feel hella exposeeeed!! I...

My First Interview/ Blog Guest - Welcome Yukon to the Sunspot!!
Hello little spots, This is amazing! I have always envisioned this space being full of stories that are not just mine and now it's a...

Attracting the Good Stuff and Practicing a Positive Mindset
Good morning sunny human, I went on a walk earlier (last night for you guys) and a lot of the time when I'm out and about feelings and...

Picking Myself up Again, oh and I'm Back!
Heyoooo, What a time I tell ya! I want to start today's post by saying I am so sorry for being away for so long. Those of you following...

Understanding That Falling And Failing Are Two Different Words
Hey Friends, There is really no use in lying here at Sunspot and I want to be as honest as possible with you. My journey has been on a...

Starting The Conversation Now
Hey everyone, Happy World Mental Health Day! This an awesome day to have but truthfully I feel like we shouldn't wait for one or two days...

Where I Have Been
Hello loves, Alright, as I mentioned in the first post I have been putting off a lot of projects over the years for whatever reason. As...